Friday, February 18, 2011

"Do not anticipate trouble or worry about what may never happen. Keep in the sunlight." ~Benjamin Franklin

Last day of the first week of this particular 6 week course. (Woot) The week seemed to drag this week....maybe because I actual had something to look forward to this weekend (driving to Florida) that the week just wanted me to suffer and wait longer for. :p

Lots of assignments to do. Today we will be assigned a one-page paper on "My Greatest Challenge" ( confidence. That one should be easy :p) and a 3-5 minute informal briefs on an expeditionary skill (all that down in the dirt/troop movement stuff) and linking it with leadership. Those two shouldn't be too bad. I believe there will be two more "informal briefs" added to my list soon enough.

The one assignment I'm worried about is my 14-15 minute briefing on Nuclear Operations (remember WWII?) and Air Force doctrine. (Whether my position is if nuclear Ops goes with or against our doctrine). I have a bunch to read and sift through....but, it must be done one way or another. haha. OH! Not to mention that I need to guide a 45 minute discussion with a fellow teammate who shares a similar topic. -_____- Lame

Yesterday we learned some Self Aid and Buddy Care. Let me tell you, death by powerpoint is not pretty. I had to buy a large coffee to make it through the morning...and then I was stuck having to use the restroom every 20 mins just because I drank too much. Yesterday afternoon we did some hands-on scenario...which is ALWAYS better than being indoors. Just sayin...

Today! More classroom time...boooooooo....for about 3.5 hours. Then, we get to shoot and qualify on handguns!!! YEY!!!! See, like I said. Inside= bad. Outside= good....unless it's below 60 degrees...then it's bad. :p

Florida today!!!!! Yeah baby!!