The weekend was too short...a tease, so to speak.
I made it to Florida close to 1am Saturday morning and spent the night with Jeremy at his dad's house. We woke up early so that he could make it to a dentist appointment (for his root canal), which was supposed to start at 11am in Tampa, but didn't start til 12:30-1pm. After, we drove to my parent's house and then ate dinner with my parents and went out with some great people to have a couple of beers.
Sunday, Jeremy and I shot some weapons at the shooting range. That was some good fun. :-) Then we ate out at a sushi buffet (yum yum) before driving back to my parents...then we drove back that night to his dad's house. :-(
I didn't leave til about 1:40pm yesterday, but it still seemed too early. I miss my boyfriend and I hate being alone, here. I mean, I've met some great people (we even met up yesterday to eat dinner at Panera in Alabama), but they're not my family or boyfriend.
This life is taking a long time to get use to........I never really thought it would be so difficult...
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