It's been about a month and a half since I've commissioned. So far my free time has been spent working, working out, hanging out, packing, and moving....not to mention getting sick...3 times since December. Talk about stress and crappy Florida winter weather combined (40s in the AM and 70s by noon).
In spite of my plans to attend Gasparilla, an annual parade in downtown Tampa that includes pirates, beads, boobs, booze and arrests (apparently this year was ONLY 300 arrests compared to last year's 400!!), I ended up with ANOTHER cold which had me bed ridden all day.
Sunday, AKA yesterday, was the Warrior Dash. It was quite fun. Despite being unable to breathe well because of my cold (I paid $25 for it so I was gonna do it regardless), I think I did fairly ok...escaping with only minor scrapes and bruises. :p I'm definitely glad my sister pushed me into trying it out. Nothing like seeing good looking men in speedos (winky face).
Free Beer! Heck yes. |
Getting in the spirit. |
My Sis and Me with our free Viking Hats :p |
Today was my last day living with my boyfriend. I had to turn in the keys to my first apartment today and move back to my parents. Did I mention that I received a text from my dad reminding me to be home by 10pm? I don't miss it...but I will miss my family and friends. I have never been good at "see you again one day"/"good-byes". Today, when my boyfriend left me to go back to his grandma's (and then parent's house) I cried up a storm....and, guess what? I see him again in 5 days. I just can't do it. Especially with people I love. Change is great...I just wish he could come with me. Military life sucks already.
On a flip note, my "sponsor" down at my duty station in Texas contacted me. He seems like a great guy and he's been helping me out quite a bit. Now to do the stuff that's he's asked me to do....oy...more work.
The packing/moving doesn't end here. NOOOoooOOOoooo.....even at my parent's house I have to dig through all this crap in my room that I have tried to ignore for so long. I just wish I could throw it all away...but my conscience reminds me that donating is probably the best route for the most part. Those trash bags are looking like a mighty good idea right about now.......